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JHR Photography LLC & ISO Photo XP maintains official copyright of all digital products. Digital products are intended for personal use and are not authorized for sale, distribution, or reproduction in/on items to include albums, collages, banners, or clothing, without the express written consent of JHR Photography LLC.

SOCIAL MEDIA DIGITAL DOWNLOADS are optimized for online display and social sharing only and not authorized for printing or reproduction without the written consent of ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography.

DIGITAL DOWNLOADS with PRINT RELEASE are intended for personal use and not to be shared without purchase. This includes use in products that will be produced and sold to others (albums, banners, clothing)


ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography guarantees the customer 100% satisfaction with any Media and/or Product(s) that are purchased through the online store. If for any reason the customer is unsatisfied with any physical Media and/or Product(s) purchased through ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography’s online store, ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography will accept the return for any reason within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the Media and/or Product(s). Upon successful completion of the return process, and receipt for the returned product, the customer will have the option to either resend the purchased Media and/or Product or be issue a full refund of the purchase price paid by the customer less shipping costs, unless the product has been determined to be physically defective.

If for any reason the customer is unsatisfied with digital Media and/or Product(s) (i.e., photo download, software preset, etc.), then at the customer’s request, ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography. may issue a full refund of the purchased price paid by the customer at the sole discretion of ISO Photo XP/JHR Photography based on the circumstances. To request a refund or replacement for any purchased Media and/or product, please contact Customer Service at orders@isophotoxp.com.